Do your little ones know why we celebrate our country’s independence? They have learned this in school, but it’s still important help them understand and remind them that we celebrate our nation’s birthday and its freedom on this day. By now, your children may associate the 4th of July with parades, fireworks, barbecue, …
Teaching Your Children to Sleep Alone Will Promote Independence
Children often get accustomed to having a parent next to them when they sleep. This can be a problem in the future because they may end up balking when a parent tries to separate from them during bedtime. However, there are a number of things that you can do to help your little ones adjust …
Some reliable Tips for Self-Control And Your Children
Self-control is an ability that allows a person to manage one’s thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and impulses. People can easily cooperate with others, resolve conflicts, and cope with frustrations if they have this trait. An example of this is when a toddler says “I’m mad” instead of breaking things or biting others to vent frustrations. Developing …
Several Ways That May Make Studying More Fun For Your Child
Despite knowing basic ways to help your children focus on studying – such as making a clear plan, finding a study area that is free from distraction, eating healthy, sleeping well, and so on – there may be times when they want something different. Just like adults, they may require a new environment to refresh …
Help Your Child Have An Active Lifestyle
Just like every child, your little ones are probably very busy with school, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be deprived of physical activity. Here are some tips to keep your busy children active: We all know that having an active lifestyle should be one of the things we should prioritize. This will …
Fun Facts You Should Know About Halloween
Now that Hallow’s Eve is about to come, you might want to learn more about the holiday. A good safe way to do it might be to invite the whole family to head out and play with the Whistlecopter toys. You might also surprise your children with some fun facts. Some people believe that Halloween …
Make Family Ties Stronger By Spending Time With Your Teen
It is essential to stay connected with your teenagers as they go through their changes as they become their own person. This will establish a healthy and open relationship with your growing sons and daughters. In fact, doing so is actually easier than you may think since it only takes a few steps to strengthen …
How To Avoid Alcohol Problems in Teens
Raising adolescents is one of the most fulfilling but also one of the toughest experiences about parenting. Research has shown that 60% of eighteen-year-old teenagers have indulged in alcohol at least once and one out of ten of these adolescents binge drank. In fact, around 1.4 million have reported binge drinking for at least five …
Ways That Might Help Prevent Depression In Your Children
There are some occasions when we feel down and sad– these may be the times when things don’t go our way. We lose someone close to us, or we get hurt. Just like us, children also experience down turns. This is why letting your little ones know how to handle their emotions at a young …
Teaching Your Children Mindfulness At A Young Age
Today, the world is so fast-paced that we easily miss the things that are going on around us. Most of us are too engaged in different things to notice what’s happening around us. Some of us are distracted by things that happened yesterday, while others are worried about what will happen tomorrow, making them unaware …