Author: admin

Prevent Your Children from Misbehaving

A common reason behind misbehaviour is development. For toddlers, their frontal cortex is still developing and this means that they are still learning the skills to control their behaviour and emotions. During this age, they tend to break things, throw food, scribble on furniture, and more. Since the brain undergoes development until adolescence, children of …

Employ Outdoor Safety Tips This Summer

For the most part, getting into a little bit of trouble is natural for children. Unfortunately for most parents, times have changed and there are more things that you should be concerned about. This is the reason why it is really necessary to pay attention to your children’s safety when they are outside. Before you …

Teaching Children about July 4th

Do your little ones know why we celebrate our country’s independence? They have learned this in school, but it’s still important to let them understand and remind them that we celebrate our nation’s birthday and its freedom on this day. By now, your children may associate the 4th of July with parades, fireworks, barbecue, and …

Having Some Family Summer Fun And Bond As a Family

What activities do you and family enjoy during summer? A lot of families visit their relatives, go camping, or enroll children in special classes. Since most little ones won’t be attending school during this summer break, they may experience boredom. This will happen once the excitement that they are on vacation wears off. Many times, …

Mother’s Day Around the Globe May Be Different Than the USA

This year, Mother’s Day in the US and in other several countries will be celebrated on the 10th of May, while other countries celebrate this holiday on a different day. If you’re wondering how other places celebrate this occasion, let’s see how people around the globe celebrate Mother’s Day: You can already see sons, daughters, …

Here are some Ways That You Can Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is known as one of the holiday’s that represents Mexican pride because of its rich history. On this day, Mexican citizens honour the triumph of the Mexican Army who fought against the French army in the Battle of Puebla on the 5th of May 1862. The date was declared an annual holiday …

How To Avoid Alcohol Problems in Teens

Raising adolescents is one of the most fulfilling but also one of the toughest experiences about parenting. Research has shown that 60% of eighteen-year-old teenagers have indulged in alcohol at least once and one out of ten of these adolescents binge drank. In fact, around 1.4 million have reported binge drinking for at least five …

Here are Some Fun Facts about Easter To Teach your Family

  It does not matter how you celebrate Easter because all cultures and people celebrate Easter in their own way around the globe.  For others, this can be simply a time to hunt for colourful eggs or eat candies and celebrate and bond as a family. How you choose to celebrate Easter is an individual …